Spiritual Chat 24 - Expanded Version About Spiritual Chat 24 Title: "Try Giving Birth To Bawa Within You", Date: September 4, 2002, Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi Smith
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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us.
May God help us all. My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
Text of Spiritual Chat 24 - continued
6. "The House Called The Fellowship Belongs To Him - and we are His servants in His house"
In this way, He transforms your Shaikh into His soul within you and you into His palace of His soul within you, which is the House of wisdom within us, the House of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be please with Him).
This transformation of "us" as "separate from" God, into the state of "us" as "one with" our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, into the state of the - Disciple, Shaikh, and God - into the Triple Flame of God within the Triple Flame of God within us, within - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - within us, is beautifully presented to us by Bawa in Chapter 1 -"The Shepherd And The Tree", and Chapter 2 - "A Wondrous City", in the book, "A Mystical Journey".
At the beginning of Chapter 1 - "The Shepherd And The Tree", Bawa teaches us that,
"On this journey (of your life) there are ten tests for cutting illusion or maya, and severing the attachments to the world. The ninth test, which you must now pass, concerns the world, and the nature of the world. My Shaikh, the light form called Nur Muhammad, explained this test to me long ago. Now it is time to show you what he showed me."
And at the end of Chapter 1, and at the beginning of Chapter 2 - "The Wondrous City", Bawa also teaches us,
"You have transformed your qualities and passed the ninth test, and you must study for the tenth examination. In this next experience you must learn about death and how to die before death. This is something you must understand."
"In the ninth test we learned about the animal within man , and the nature of the creations. Now it is time to talk about death."
Now we must talk about our death, my dearest loving sister Rumi, we must talk about the cutting of our attachments to the world, the death of the world within us, of the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, that we see in our ignorance as "us" and our brothers and sisters living in the world around us. This is now our work.
Only in this way will the following be true of us,
"The house called the Fellowship belongs to Him, and You are the servants in His House."
This is also described beautifully in the discourse given to us by His Holiness on 4/2672 and given the title, "How To Merge With The Guru." Click on the following to read an on-line version of this discourse: Spiritual Discourse 01 - "How To Merge With The Guru".
7. "Carefully Sow The Seeds Of Wisdom To Receive His Grace" - by joining in partnership with your wisdom, with your Shaikh within you, and by asking Him to destroy you and reveal Him, to destroy your life of "separation from" God within you, and reveal His life of "oneness with" God within you
7-a. It is Our Relationship With Our Wisdom, With Our Shaikh Within us - that allows us to sow the seed of wisdom within us and receive His grace, not by anything that we may do "alone", or on our own, as a life that is "separate from" our Shaikh within us, and from God within Him
"Carefully sow the seeds of wisdom to receive His grace",
This is what automatically comes out of your relationship with your Shaikh, with Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within you (may God be pleased with Him), both "outside" of you and within you, a relationship, which when properly established within you, allows the wisdom within you, which is your Shaikh within you, to sow the seeds of wisdom within you, which is the understanding of the Shaikh within you, or the wisdom within your wisdom within you, which leads you to God within your Shaikh within you.
For more on this process, and how it occurs within us, see Chapter 21, "The Six Faces", in the book, "The Pearl of Wisdom", where Bawa teaches us the many roles of wisdom within us, of the Shaikh within us, of the 6 wisdoms within us, one of which is to destroy the 6 faces of evil within us that currently give us the illusion of 1 face to the world, that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, but is really the world of darkness within us.
One of which is to reveal the Shaikh within the Shaikh within us, to reveal the 6 wisdoms within the 6 wisdoms within us, to transform the six faces of evils within us (lust, hatred, miserliness, delusion, bigotry, and envy), that trick us into believing that we are always showing 1 face to the world "outside" of us, into the six wisdoms within us (reason, justice, virtue, grace, joy, and bliss), into the six faces of clarity within us known as Muhammad (Sal.), that is always showing in truth 1 face to God within us.
7-b. The Six Wisdom Within Us - are beyond "us", beyond the current "us", are beyond estimation, beyond imagination, and beyond pleasure, which is the current "us"
------------------- Beginning of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
Swami, O leader Guru, you mentioned six wisdoms. What do you mean? Swami, you also said that the Father had six faces. How is it? Teach us this in detail."
O son, listen. Six faces (Aaru-Muham) do not refer to Kandan (Lord Shanda). They are the six wisdoms (within us) which are beyond estimation, beyond imagination, and beyond pleasure.
They distinguish the truth that surrounds God (within us), discipline the body, melt the heart, and like the season of spring, sprout the six kinds of wisdom (within us).
They are known as Kandan, Kandampan, Murugan, Velan, and Veliraivan (God of the Vel), and by several other names as well.
They exist in every religion. People refer to them according to the depths of their understanding. But nobody has discovered the true meaning (of them), and reached the end (of them, until now)."
------------------- End of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
7-c. The Great Trick Played On Us In Our Life - is that we show 1 face to the world "outside" of us, when in truth what we are always showing to the world within us is 6 different faces, each face with its own distinct place within us, each face as one of the six people who reside within us at all times, representing the six divisions of consciousness within us, within our six-cornered heart, with each person within us occupying a corner of our heart and each strongly ruling over us during its "time of day", during the 6 distinct time periods that make up a day, which are the times between the 5 waqt or times of prayer, and also when we sleep
And beginning on page 74 and continuing on page 75 and 76, Bawa teaches us,
------------------- Beginning of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
Likewise my son, for the word "Kandan", people show a figure with six faces. This is an ancient trick..
The Entity that shines, the Form that moves around without form, the Light of Effulgence, the Father of the Universe, The Father-Light that engulfs all lives, is not this!
Some people in the world mould various figures according to their fancies, using stone and earth, and leave them on plants and garbage. They give them names and call them their "Father".
But the Father who vibrates with love, that Effulgence is not fashioned like this! How can we love or worship any form fathered by these people themselves, having made them out of their own hands?
Which of these two can we worship? Which of these two can we pray to? This is where serious thought, intelligence, intellect and wisdom should be employed, to think, reason, and analyze.
Be informed, disciples, gems of my eyes."
(Note: See Spiritual Topic 01 - "Fashioning The God We Worship" for more on this topic of fashioning what we worship)
------------------- Temporary Stop of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
7-d. The Nature And Marvels of The 6 Evil & The 6 Wise Faces Within Us - of the 6 wisdoms, the 6 faces of God within us, that are hidden by God within the 6 evils within us, within the 6 faces of darkness within us, within the 6 evil people who live within our 6 cornered heart, who rule over us during the 6 time period of our day, from sunrise to noon, from noon to mid-noon, from mid-noon to sunset, from sunset till mid-evening, from mid-evening till we go to sleep, and also during our sleep
------------------- Continuation of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
I shall tell you of the marvels of the six faces that have been intermingled with you. How many faces have you, my son?"
"Disciple: Father, I have only one face."
"Guru: No, you have six faces. Know it now."
------------------- Temporary Stop of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
7-e. The Six-Faced Evil One Within Us - is mixed with the wasteful substance of darkness within us, and tricks us, showing the 1 face of illusion to the world "outside" us, while showing the 6 evil faces within us to the world within us, in this way, hiding the six kinds of wisdom within us, hiding the six-faces of God within us, hiding the six faces of clarity within us known as Muhammad (Sal.), hiding Muhammad (Sal.) within us, which, if we will but let Him through our wisdom, by joining with our Shaikh within us, will show the six faces of clarity to the world within us, and the one face of wisdom to God within us
------------------- Continuation of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
You have six faces, with a separate division for each face. Your six faces are called Moolaatharam, Swaathiddanam, Manipooram, Anaakatham, Visuththi, and Aagnagni. They are the six chakras (plexus) and constitute the six faced (evil) one (within you).
They are also referred to as Kaamam (lust), Kurotham (hatred), Lopam (miserliness), Moham (delusion), Matham (bigotry), and Machariyam (Envy).
They have other names also. These six divisions of consciousness (within you) show the figure of Kandan with his six faces, "Aaru-Muham".
That which is beyond comprehension has been reduced to a symbol of a figure or a picture, and displayed in the streets, paths, and kovils.
They are engraved on trees, gold, brass, stone, lead, and other materials, and referred to as Aaru-Muham, and by various other names."
------------------- Temporary Stop of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
7-f. The Six-Faced Wise One Within Us - without darkness, which is our Shaikh within us, if we will but let Him, if we will only join Him within us, in what He is doing within us, which is revealing True Man within the Creation of God within us, shows the beautiful substance of the Primal One within us to the world within us, which is God's grace, revealing the six-faces of clarity within us, the six kinds of wisdom within us, which are the six-faces of God within us known as Muhammad (Sal.)
------------------- Continuation of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
But my son, this is a distortion of truth and a grave sin. If wisdom dawns, clarity will appear and you will realize the truth. You will know Him as six levels of wisdom.
Each face depicts a level of wisdom. I shall tell you an easy method to know this. Listen."
------------------- Temporary Stop of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
7-g. The Six Faces of Evil Within us Meet The Guru Within Us - and sit down in His presence, and give up to Him the Six Faces of Wisdom hidden within them
------------------- Continuation of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
A person may stay in one place but his (six) levels of consciousness can stray here and there and everywhere.
One of the six consciousnesses will go round the country, one will go towards his children, one to the temple, one to the lake, one to take a bath, one to worship, and to many other places, even while he is standing in one spot talking to another person.
The six levels of consciousness travel everywhere and come to know various secrets which they report to the resplendent gracious guru, the glow of wisdom.
The gnana guru on hearing this says:
"Hey, you appear as individual faces doing different things!"
The five other levels of consciousness reply,
"Swami, great guru, each face has come to each one of us. Should we not perform our tasks differently? If not, swami, why should there be six faces?"
"Our names are the six meaningful names of the six plexus. We are also called by several other names. Give us work suitable for our faces, and we will do it. O great guru."
The Kingly Wisdom addresses the five and says,
"You do not seem to know the words, "reasoning" and "analytical wisdom".
"Did you not say Aaru-Muham. When I look at Aaru-Muham I can notice My Ochchams (my patterns or qualities) there. Listen."
------------------- Temporary Stop of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
7-h. Our Personal Life or Story Has No Truth - as life in this elemental body has likewise no truth
------------------- Continuation of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
"Guru sings:
"On the tip of the cyndon grass, build I six houses, Five houses were barren, on had no roof."
"The roofless house alone fetched a rent of six coins, Five coins were dud, others had no embossment."
"With the unembossed coin, I bought six elephants, Five elephants were blind, one had no eye."
"Mounted on the eyeless elephant, went I to six forest paths, Five paths were in ruins, one had no people."
"From the peopleless path, I picked six people, Five were ugly women, one had no ear."
"For the earless woman, I made six earrings, Five pairs were ordinary, one had no stone."
"To keep the stoneless earring, I made six boxes, Five boxes were with holes, one had no lock."
"In the lockless box, I kept six pairs of earrings, No trace of their disappearance, O no trace at all."
"O, your story has no truth, Life in this body has likewise no truth."
------------------- Temporary Stop of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
7-i. We Must Stop Showing Our 1 Face of Illusion To The World "Outside" of Us - and instead join with our wisdom, with our Shaikh within us, to show 6 faces of clarity to the world within us, to show them Muhammad (Sal.), so they can find peace within Muhammad (Sal.) within us, and to show 1 face of wisdom to God within our Shaikh within us, so God within us can complete His duty within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, allowing True Man within us to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and the Creation of True Man within us
------------------- Continuation of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
Son, as in this song ("On The Tip of the Cynodon Grass, Build I Six Houses"), we must know the six faces (of evil within us), one by one, and analyze them atom by atom.
The six faces of the six wisdoms (within us) display many more scenes. Among many other names, one face is called Divine Grace, while the other five faces represent the wisdom of the gnana guru (gnostic guru). They do things other than what has been said.
(On the other hand), these six (evil) people (within us, these six faces of evil currently within us that give us the illusion of 1 face in the world), reside within the six-cornered heart. Each occupies a corner and rules over us. Five of them should be assaulted and chased away. You should deal only with the Majestic Spark of Wisdom.
We must (truly) have one face. Five of the six faces (that you currently have) should be plucked out and thrown away. We must always appear as one face (to God), join the Omnipresent Effulgence, and be a Substance existing here, there, and everywhere.
That Substance is the Limitless One full of Grace. It is the object devoid of darkness, becoming "Murugan" [which is the name of Muhammad (Sal.) in the Hindi tradition, one of the 201 names of Muhammad (Sal.)], the rightful Owner's only Wisdom.
With the "O" sound as: "La ilaha ill Allahu", meaning,
"Other than Allah there is nothing. You are Allah. You are the Only One who does not diminish."
Thus the Incomparable One-God, and the Wisdom that stood one-faced, both together, is the place they assemble. That is the point of the nose where the breath assemble together, the art of the sun and the moon."
------------------- End of Quotation From His Holiness -------------------
My dearest loving sister Rumi, may we both do it like this. May God give us His grace to allow us to do it like this, to join with our wisdom, with our Shaikh within us, with our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us), to complete God's intention within us, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us, and in this way, to reveal the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in truth is God within us.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
8. "Make His Rahmat Grow And Tend It Carefully - with your good qualities, your wisdom, prayers, and devotion."
And we do this within us, by doing what we have been talking about in our chats for the last 8 months, about using the "Wisdom Process" that God has placed within each of us, and that our Shaikh, our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) has spent 15 years in America teaching how to use, to use this "Wisdom Process" (from 1971 to 1986), the process of,
"See it, hear it, smell, taste, and touch it, think about it, analyze and reflect upon it, and in this way, experience it, try to understand it, as best you can, and then, hand it to your wisdom, to your Shaikh within you, so in partnership with God within you, your Shaikh can extract the wisdom points within what you have handed to Him, and then hand it back to you, and explain it to you in detail."
My dearest loving sister Rumi, this is how you walk the path of wisdom and truth within you, how you journey with your Shaikh within you and with God within Him, not by you trying to go it alone, as "separate from" God, as "separate from" our brothers and sisters, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, before we came to this world, to this earth world within us, that we are now seeing and experiencing in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.
This is how the Triple Flame of God within us - the Disciple, the Shaikh, and God - within the Triple Flame of God within us - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen - becomes One within us, within the Triple Flame of God within us, allowing the Triple Flame of God within us to become clear, and as the Three of the One - the Ruh, the Wisdom, and the Nur - to return to the Oneness of God and True Man within us.
For this child, this is what is meant by His Holiness in this quote when He tell us to:
"Make His rahmat grow and tend it carefully with your good qualities, your wisdom, prayers, and devotion."
And what is meant by His Holiness when He teaches us in the "Kalimah Song" (4/26/72), that,
"In a state of expansion, alif, lam, meem, and the Triple Flame that has become clear, become the Ruh, the Wisdom, and the Nur, in a most mysterious form of Grace, that form of Grace becoming Wisdom, Wisdom becoming the Nur, and the Nur will become God."
9. "When The Crop Ripens, You Will Harvest God's Grace - His divine awakened wisdom, His treasures, His qualities, and His full blessings"
And finally,
"When the crop ripens, you will harvest God's grace, His divine-awakened wisdom, His treasures, His qualities, and His full blessings."
And this crop that has now ripened within us, is what has happened now to all of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), which is all of us living in this age, and the name of this crop, of this,
"Harvest of God's grace, His divine-awakened wisdom, His treasures, His qualities, and His full blessings".
Is Bawa, is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him), within all of us living in this age.
10. The Father of Wisdom Has Given Birth To You, Within Him - now you have to give birth to your Father, within you, have that baby within your heart and rock Him."
This is what has happened now to all of Bawa's Children, which in truth is everyone living in this age, they have all given birth to Bawa within them, whether they know it or not, whether they like it or not, whether they want it or not. It is now the birthright and heritage of all of us living in this age.
And all that is left now, for any of us, is do they want it, do they want a life of "oneness with" God within them, or a life of "separation from" God "outside" of them.
And can they learn to use it, to use their wisdom, which is their Shaikh within them, to liberate their soul, join it with the wisdom within them, which is their Shaikh within them, and with the light of wisdom within them, which is the Nur Muhammad within them, within the their Shaikh within them, and make their life eternal.
In this way, escaping from the suffering of the grave and the day of Qiyamah, the Standing Forth; the Day of Reckoning within them, and instead go directly back into a life of "oneness with" God and True Man within them, like the rain falling back into the ocean, becoming again the ocean, no longer the rain.
This is the choice each of us living in this age can now make, that no one before this age could make, to go directly back into the Oneness of God and True Man within us.
This is the gift of God for this age, this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him). What a wonder is this God of ours, and how He takes care of us, of each one of us living in this age. Al-hamndu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
This truth of our lives is beautifully summarized in the beautiful quote from Bawa that you sent Louie on July 20, 2002,
"The Father of wisdom will give birth to you and raise you within that wisdom." "Then you have to give birth to that Father. Have that baby within your heart and rock Him."
Now all we have to do is claim our prize, to accept what has naturally grown within us as part of living in this age, which is the birth of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him), as the true birthright and heritage of everyone living in this age.
And we do this by realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him). That's it.
11. The Significance of The 16th Year - after the death of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), is the birth of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within all of His Children for this age, which is everyone living in this age
This is the significance of the 16th year after the death of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), on December 8th, 1986, is the birth of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) within each of His Children, within everyone living in this age. What a wonder is this God of ours and how He does things.
This is now our life, we again have become the ocean of God's grace within us, from which we have all come, we have but to realize, understand, accept, and join with it, that's it, like the rain falling back into the ocean, from which it came, again becomes the ocean, no longer the rain. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
Al-hamdu lillah, Allahu Akbar. What a wonder is this beautiful life of ours.
What a grace and gift that God has given us, in sending our beloved Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen into the world (may God be pleased with Him).
Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar. Indeed, my dearest loving sister Rumi, this quote came as an affirmation of the life of this child, of what this child has been experiencing for the last 27 years, trying to live at the feet of His Holiness, of our Father, Shaikh Muhammad Rahim Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him).
It says it all, for all of the Children of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with each of Us), for all of us living in this age, in this age of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him, and with each of Us).
Yes, truly, it says it all.
12. The What, Where, Who, And Why of Our Life - is the story of God within the story of True Man within us, and the story of True Man within the story of God within us
This quote from His Holiness explains the what, where, who, and why of our life.
13. The "What" of Our Life - is "God happening" within "True Man happening" within the "Shaikh happening" within us, by first getting the "Shaikh to happen" within us, within the "Shadow of the Shaikh" within us, by first getting "us" to end within us, to get "us" as "separate from" God within us to voluntarily come to an end within us
This quote explains "what is happening" in our life, that "God is happening" within our life, within the Creation of True Man within us, which is the hereafter or akhirah or the kingdom of God within us, by first allowing "True Man to happen" within our life, within the sirr or secret of the Creation of God within us, which is the world of light within us, which is the sirr or secret of the dunya or earth world within us, with is a reflection of the 7 heavens of God within us.
By first allowing "our Shaikh to happen" within our life, within the "Shadow of the Shaikh" within us, within our life of "separation and differences" within us, within the sifat or form of the dunya or earth world within us, which is the world of darkness within us, which is a reflection of the 7 hells of God within us, and of the world of jinns and fairies within us.
Which in truth is the Qutb of Allah within us emerging from within Allah within us, in His time of darkness within us, in anathi within us, guiding Him to turn away from the darkness within Him, which is our life of "separation and differences" within us, and instead to meditate upon Himself within us, upon the power of God within Him within us, which is the heart of our Shaikh within us.
Allowing the Nur Muhammad to come to maturity within Him and emerge out of Him, separating the world of darkness or lack of understanding or anathi from Him, and revealing His world of Light or understanding or aathi within Him, within Him within us, in this way, revealing Aathi Muhammad within Anathi Muhammad within us, revealing "the Shaikh or Guru of God" or Nur Muhammad within the "Shadow of the Shaikh" within us.
By first allowing "us" to come "to an end" within us, for "us" as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within us, to come to an end within us.
For "us" and the world we now see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, to come to an end within us, for the world of "us" and our brothers and sisters living lives of "separation and differences" in the world "outside" of us, to come to an end within us, for the current state of the Qur'an within us, which when seen through our ignorance exists "outside" of us, to come to an end within us, returning the Qur'an within us back to its original state within us, when it originally emerged from God within us, as the resplendence, the radiance, the resonance, and the grace of Allah within us.
By first allowing "us", as the "Shadow of the Shaikh" within us, to come to an end within us, by disappearing back into our wisdom, back into the Shaikh within us, by "us" realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining with the life and teaching of God for our age, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him), that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, within each of us living in this age.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
And in this way, realizing that in truth we are One, that "us", our Shaikh, and God within us are One, as the Triple Flame of God within the Triple Flame of God within us, as the understanding of the Triple Flame of God within us, as the - Disciple, Shaikh, and God - within - Ya Allah, Ya Rasul, Ya Muhaiyaddeen within us, allowing the Triple Flame of God within us to again become One within us, revealing in this way the Oneness of True Man and God within us, One within the Other as One, One revealing the Other within it, One hiding itself within the Other as One reveals the Other.
Which is like the relationship between the apple seed, and the apple tree, like the relationship between the apple seed, the apple tree, the apple flower, and the apple, where the apple seed reveals the apple tree as it hides itself within the apple tree as the apple flower, so the apple tree can then reveal the apple as it hides itself within the apple as the apple seed. And in this way the apple seed and the apple tree are one, one within the other as one, one revealing the other within it, one hiding itself within the other as it reveals the other.
My dearest loving sister Rumi, may we both reflect on these beautiful words of wisdom, and take from them what we can, and then using the "Wisdom Process" that we have been talking about for the last 7 months, hand them to our wisdom, to our Shaikh within us, so in partnership with God within Him, He can extract the wisdom within this wisdom, and hand it back to us, in this way, helping us understand it even further, and then helping us distribute what Has come a new from our Shaikh, and from God within Him, to all of our brothers and sisters, which is everyone living in the world today.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
This completes page 2 of 3 of Spiritual Chat 24. Please click HERE or below to go to page 3 of 3 of Spiritual Chat 24. Thank You.
Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. May God help us all.
Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen. Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen. Al-hamdu lillah. Allahu Akbar.
My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
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