Spiritual Chat 24 - Expanded Version                            About Spiritual Chat 24
Title: "Try Giving Birth To Bawa Within You", Date: September 4, 2002,
Chat Between: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler) and Rumi Smith

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Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us. 

May God help us all.  My love you (anbu), my dearest brothers and sisters, Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

Text of Spiritual Chat 24

1.  The Introduction - to Spiritual Chat 24


Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim.  In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Al-salam 'alaykum, my dearest loving sister Rumi.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler). 

Do you have time for a little wisdom exchange?


Wa alaikum al-salam, dear Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen. Yes we certainly do. Good to hear from you.

MuhaiyaddeenLB: We got the most wonderful gift today from Bawa.


When we changed the month on our Bawa Muhaiyaddeen Fellowship Calendar today, from August 1991 to September 1991, we received the following quote from Bawa, from a Discourse given by Bawa on June 6th, 1986, just 7 months before He died, and the quote starts with,

          "Allah is sufficient."


Yes? Can you please share it? We were just printing out "Spiritual Chat 20: Learn to stick to Bawa within you."



2. The Gift of God To His Children - is Himself happening within us

The Gift continued as follows:

          "Allah is sufficient!"

          "May He protect you, may He protect His house, His Fellowship.
          The house called the Fellowship belongs to Him. 
          You are His servants in His house."

          "Carefully sow the seeds of wisdom to receive His grace.
          Make His rahmat grow and tend it carefully with your good qualities,
          your wisdom, prayers and devotion."

          "When the crop ripens, you will harvest God's grace,
          His divine-awakened wisdom, His treasures,
          His qualities, and His full blessings."

          "If you forsake this duty and lose your wisdom,
          you will lose this precious harvest."


3.  "Allah Is Sufficient" - when we place our faith and trust in God alone

Then all afternoon Bawa has been explaining this gift to this child.  First, everything that we have been sharing since we started our on-line chatting last January, it all comes down to the opening sentence in this quote,

          "Allah is sufficient."

If you accept this, and place your faith and trust in Allah, and in Allah alone, then everything else of God grows out of this, rather than placing your faith and trust in the world that you see in your ignorance as existing "outside" of you, rather than placing your faith and trust in "yourself" and in your brothers and sisters, all living together in this "outside" world, which is really the world of darkness within you, rather than placing your faith and trust in your life and in your relationships with other lives that are all lived as "separate from" God, as "separate from" each other, and as "separate from" the Creation of God within you.

4.  "May God Protect You" - as His truth within His wisdom, as God within your
          Shaikh within you

And if you do, if you place your faith and trust in God, and in God alone, rejecting the world and the relationships that you see "outside" of you, then, "He protects you", as His soul or life, as His wisdom or consciousness, and as His 'ilm or divine knowledge, as His child of grace, by pulling you, as His life "outside" of Him, through His emerging understanding of Himself, back into Himself, as His life "within" Him, as His life within His life, as His wisdom within His wisdom, as His truth within His truth, and finally as True Man within True Man and as God within God, revealing in this way the Oneness of God and True Man within us, which in Truth is God within us.

This is how He protects you, by destroying "you" within you, and revealing Him within you, by "separating from you all that separates you from Him", by making the 124,000 kinds of lives of incompleteness within you, that He created within you, again complete within you, by bringing all of these separate lives of Creation within you back into the One life of God within you, as the One soul of God within you, by discarding again all that He discarded before, but this time within you, because you asked Him to, because of your faith and trust and love in Him, and in Him alone, because you asked Him to do this real work within you that only He can do within you.

And in this way, allowing Him within you, because of your faith and trust and love in Him, and in Him alone, to finish what He has started within you, which is to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within you, which is the dunya or earth world within you, allowing True Man within you to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within you, which is akhirah or the hereafter within you, and in this way, allowing God and True Man within you to reveal the Oneness of God and True Man within you, which in truth is God within you. 

This is how He protects you, how He truly protects you, by transforming you back into Him, from which you came, but this time with an understanding of Him, so you will never leave Him again.

This is how He protects you, through your faith and trust in Him, and in Him alone, by your life affirming your Oneness with Him, with you each breath, look, quality, thought, intention, word and action, by your realizing, understanding, accepting, and joining as One with the gift of God for your age, with the life and teaching of God for your age, which is the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within you (may God be pleased with Him), that God has personally and ever so lovingly placed within each of us, within each of us living in this age.

And by your rejecting everything else, including all of the gifts of God from previous ages, from the age of Moses (peace be upon Him), the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), the age of Muhammad (may the peace and blessing of God be upon Him), and the age of Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani (may God be pleased with Him), making only what He has given you now, in this age as the nourishment for your soul, for your wisdom, and for your 'ilm or divine knowledge, for True Man within you, and for God within Him within you.

5.  "May God Protect His House, His Fellowship" - by making you His palace of
          His soul, His House of Wisdom, by allowing Adam within you (peace be upon
          Him) to recover from His fall, by allowing His Divine Analytic Wisdom, His sixth
          level of wisdom, His wisdom which explains within you, to emerge out of you, to
          emerge out of as His House, as Qutb Muhaiyaddeen Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani
          (may God be pleased with Him), and in this way, to fill you with His grace, to fill
          His House of Wisdom with His grace of wisdom, in order to liberate your soul
          from your elemental body, from the enemy of the soul within you, from "you" as
          the lives of "separation from" God, within you

And He protects His house, His Fellowship, by making you His house, His body, His place, His story, His Qur'an, the palace of His soul, and by allowing you as His life, as the life within His life, as His wisdom within His wisdom, to understand how the Qur'an came from Allah, and to delve deep within it.

My dearest loving sister Rumi, this is what you have to do, what we all have to do, in order to understand the true meaning of the Qur'an, both within you and "outside" of you, as the inner and outer Qur'an.

This is what you must do, in order to understand the inner Qur'an within you, which is the Ocean of 'Ilm or Divine Knowledge within you, "The Pearl of Wisdom" within you, the Umm al-Qur'an within you, the inner "Source" or "Mother" of the outer Qur'an, the
Suratal Fatihah
within you, in order to understand how it originally came from Allah as a resplendence, a radiance, a resonance, and a grace.

And as the revelations brought to the Creation of God within you by God within you, to the Secret World of Allah within you, which is the sirr or secret of the dunya or earth world within you, as the revelation brought by the Nur Muhammad within you, by the Light of your wisdom, as the "Resonance of Allah" within you, as the Sound of God within you, as the 99 wilayat or powers of God within you.

As the "Resonance of Allah" within you that transforms all of the Creation of God within you into their final state and form within you, the Creation of God within you which was originally transformed by God, through His 124,000 gazes, into the sifat or form of the Creation of God within you, back into their original state, as the impure souls within God within you, as what separated from God in anathi, in the time of darkness within you, when God moved into aathi, into the time of light within you, from anathi.

And in this way, the Nur Muhammad within you through the "Resonance of Allah" within you, transforms these impure souls within you, which have completed their duty to God, their work as the sifat or form of Creation within you, into their final light form within you, which is the sirr or secret of the Creation of God within you, into the Secret World of Allah within you.

And finally, on the "outside" of us to understand the "outer Qur'an" as what came from the Nur Muhammad to the Angel Gabriel (A.S.) as light, and to the Messenger of God 1400 years ago, to Muhammad (Sal.) at that time, as the grace and attributes of Allah, as the 99 names of God.

(Note: see the book, The Asma'el Husna, for a description by His Holiness of these 99 names of Allah).

What happened next is what we in the world call the Holy Qur'an, but it is just the "outer" version of the Holy Qur'an, which is only of any true value to us when we treat it correctly, as what God gave some of us on the "outside" of us to point to what He has given all of us on the "inside" of us, to point to the inner Qur'an within all of us, to point to the Umm al-Qur'an within each of us.

In the form of a book, written in Arabic, the Qur'an it is just an "outside" thing in the world, that came to a particular group of people living in the world, to deal specifically with the problems that they were experiencing in their lives, all of which must eventually be transcended before we die.

By going to the inside Qur'an which was given by God to everyone living within us, in the 18,000 universes within us, as the grace, wisdom, and ilm or Divine knowledge of God within us, that when personally realize, understood, accepted, and joined within on the "inside" of us, as the mystical or inner form of Man, will reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and allow True Man within us to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us. 

This is what makes the "outer" Quran valuable, or the "outer" scriptures of any religion valuable, as an "outer" finger of God pointing to God within us, not to make the "outer" version exclusively the word of God, exclusively the Holy Qur'an, or the exclusively the Hindi Puranas, or the Jewish Torah, or the Christian Bible, not to use it alone to worship God, and even worse, not to worship it as God, or even more worse, to worship the language it was reveal in as "God's language", as the exclusive language spoken by God, as the only language that one can use to commune with God.

This is a real mistake, made by all of the religions of the world, worshipping their own language, the language their religions scriptures were originally revealed in, as the exclusive language of God, whether it be the Hindi, or Arabic, or Latin, or the Jewish Hebrew language.

In the form of a book, written in Arabic, it is just an "outside" thing in the world, that came to a particular group of people living in the world, to deal specifically with the problems that they were experiencing in their lives, all of which must eventually be transcended before we die, by going to the inside Qur'an which was given by God to everyone living within us, in the 18,000 universes within us, as the grace, wisdom, and ilm or Divine knowledge of God, that when realize, understood, accepted, and joined as the mystical or inner form of Man, will reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and allow True Man within us to reveal God within the Creation of True Man within us. 

We must realize this, my dearest loving sister Rumi, without the slightest doubt, if we are to truly progress in our life.  Otherwise, our life will come to the state of prejudice, fighting, and wars, which is the state of the world today, and if we die in this state, we will have to experience the suffering of the grave, and Qiyamah, the Standing Forth; the Day of Reckoning.

For as Bawa teaches us on page 137in Chapter 12, "The Inner Qur'an", in the book, "Islam And World Peace: Explanations of a Sufi",

----------------- Beginning of Quotation From His Holiness -----------------

"My brothers, we must consider how the Qur'an came from Allah, and we must delve deep within it.  In order to understand its true meaning, we must be in the same state as that original Qur'an was when it emerged from Allah.

It came as a resplendence, a radiance, a resonance, and a grace.  Then it came as a light to Gabriel. And when it came to Muhammad, the Messenger, it came as the grace and attributes of Allah. Next Muhammad brought it to us as a revelation.

Then the sound of these revelations was transformed into letters and formed into words.  What was revealed in those words ultimately became public knowledge and part of history.

The interpretations of this (public) knowledge later gave rise to religious differences, divisions, and bigotry, which in turn gave rise to prejudice, fighting, and wars. This is the state the world has come to."

----------------- End of Quotation From His Holiness -----------------

My dearest loving sister Rumi, this is the current state of the "outer" Qur'an, the state of prejudice, fighting, and wars.  We must realize this without the slightest doubt, that what we are seeing in the world today is the state of the "outer" Qur'an, which in truth is the state of  each of us living in the world today, which is but a reflection of the "inner" Qur'an, of our "inner" state of prejudice, fighting, and wars.

Ad only when we change our "inner" state, by again revealing the Holy Qur'an within us as it originally came to us from Allah, as the resplendence, the radiance, the resonance, and the grace of Allah, will anything of our "outer" state change, will anything in the world change, will any of our brothers and sisters change.  May we both realize this without the slightest doubt.

For as Bawa teaches us,

          "Everything is within the Qur'an, all that God has discarded and all that God
          has embraced."

As everything is within each of us, all that God has discarded and all that God has embraced, and as such we are the Qur'an, and the Qur'an is us, and the world is the Qur'an, and the Qur'an is the world, and as such we are One, "us", the "world", all of our "brothers and sisters", and the "Qur'an" are in truth One, and the state of any One of us, of "us", the "world", our "brothers and sisters", and the "Qur'an", is reflected in the other.

In this way, the state of the world is our state, as the state of all of our brothers and sisters living with us in the world is our state.  This is the true "outer" Quran, not a book written in Arabic that you can put under your armpit, and this "outer" Quran is but a reflection of the state of the "inner" Qur'an within us, which in truth is the state of the world within us, of "us", and of all of our brothers and sisters within us, that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us, and in truth is but a reflection of what God is doing within us, of what He has started within us, within all of us, and where He is in His doing.

And in this way, the "inner" and the "outer" form of the Qur'an, and "us", and the "world", and all of our brothers and sisters, as well as what God is doing within us, are One, are always in the same state, until we die, or until God moves forward what He is doing within us.  We all came in the same state of grace, in the state of the resplendence, the radiance, the resonance, and the grace of God, and we all fell out of that state of grace, and we will only regain His grace, when He does it within us, because we have properly asked Him to do it, not through any effort on our part, as "separate from" Him within us. 

Know this now, my dearest loving sister Rumi, and act accordingly.  My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).

In this way, through our ignorance and arrogance we have all now become what we see in the world today, a world and state of prejudice, fighting, and wars, all reflected in our ignorance as occurring in the world that we see as existing "outside" of us, but a world that really exists within each of us as the darkness that has grown within us.

Now we must do the divine work of returning our "inner" Qur'an back to its original state, which also means returning "us" and the "world" to this same original state, and we do this divine work within us, not "outside" of us, because the "outside" is not where the work occurs, the "outside" is always but a reflection of the "inside", and the "inside" is where any change must occur.  This is how Bawa teaches us it works.  

So, nothing will change on our "outside" until the "inside" is changed.  And we can only do this "inside" work in partnership with God within us, not by joining with our brothers and sisters in the world that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

We can only do this divine work within us by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of God within us, by joining in partnership with the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen within us (may God be pleased with Him).

Only in this way will "we", the "world", and the "Qur'an" change, all of which in truth is now in the same state, is the world of darkness within us that we see in our ignorance as existing "outside" of us.

Only in this way will "we", the "world", and the "Qur'an" be saved, will the world that we see "outside" of us be transformed into the 7 heavens of God within us, which is the
or the Secret World of Allah within us, and then into the 8th heaven of Muhammad
(Sal.) within us, into
akhirah, which is the hereafter within us, into firdaus, the Kingdom of God within us.

May we both do this divine work in partnership with our wisdom, with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, before we die, before it is too late, before we are too old to return our "inner" Qur'an to its original state.

Therefore, my dearest loving sister Rumi, we must embrace and accept both the "inner" and the "outer" Qur'an as One within us, in order to reach God, we must embrace and accept the "Qur'an", and "ourselves", and the "world", and all of our "brothers and sisters", as One, in order to reach God, realizing that we are all in the
same sinking boat

And having reached this conclusion, we must through our faith and trust and love for God within us, and for our Shaikh within us, and for God within Him, we must make this problem of the sinking boat, His problem, not our problem, and join with Him to solve it within us, within the "Holy Qur'an" within "us", within the "world" within us, within all of our "brothers and sisters" within us.

In this way, we must realize without the slightest doubt, that embracing and accepting
the "outer" Qur'an, rather than both the "inner" and "outer" Quran, will lead us to hell, as embracing just a part of the world, or just some of our brothers and sisters, will only lead to our destruction, to the destruction of the whole "world" within us, to the destruction of all of us, to the destruction of all of our "brothers and sister" living in the world, and to the entire "Qur'an" within all of us, because in truth we are all One, One within the other as One.

We cannot be part of anything, we are all of it, and at the same time we are none of it, we are both "outside" and "inside" of everything, and what has transcended all of it, as
God is all of Everything
, and not part of Anything, as well as the One who has transcended all of it.

We must realize, that our turning away from our "inner" duty will only lead us to hell, to an eternal life of "separation from" God, from our "inner" duty which is joining in partnership with God within us, with the wisdom and truth of God within us, which is our Shaikh within us and God within Him.

We must realize that our trying to make our "outer" duty everything, rather than just a finger point to our "inner" duty, will only lead us to hell, that our living in the "outside" world with our brothers and sister reading and studying or reciting the Holy Qur'an, or studying the life of the Prophet Muhammad (Sal.), or reading and studying and talking about the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him), as an "outside" person and book, at an "outside" Fellowship or Mosque, will only lead us to hell.  All of this, and anything of a similar nature will only lead us to hell, to an eternal life of "separation from" God within us.

This type of "outer" duty isn't enough, this won't work, because if we do this, if we approach the Holy Qur'an as just an "outer" book, or the life and teaching of Bawa Muhaiyaddeen (may God be pleased with Him) as just an "outer" book, not both an "inner" and an "outer" book, just like if we approach our life as just an "outer" life, not both an "inner" and an "outer" life, then we will lose both our wisdom, which is "inner" life and the harvest of God that comes from living our "inner" life.

For our wisdom, the life of our Shaikh within us, and of God within Him, is our "inner" life when the "inner" Qur'an within us returns to its original state, and the precious harvest of God's grace, is the benefit we will receive from using our "inner" life to delve deep within our "inner" Qur'an.  Allowing our Inner life, consciousness, and form, which is the Ruh, Wisdom, and Nur within us, to be joined again as One with God and True Man within us.  This is the true harvest of God's grace within us, which is His divine-awakened wisdom, His treasures, His qualities, and His full blessings.

This is what we both must do, my dearest loving sister Rumi, if we are to be successful in our life, if our wisdom is to reason over our fate, nothing more and certainly nothing less.  We cannot be successful any other way, only by fulfilling our duty to our Shaikh, which is our duty to God, only then will we receive this precious harvest.

For as Bawa teaches us at the end of this quote,

          "If you forsake this duty, and lose your wisdom, you will lose this precious

And this duty to God within us that we now have to fulfill, to harvest God's grace within us, is to accept both the "inner" and "outer" Qur'an that God has given us, as "who we are", as "where we are", and as "what is happening" in our life, and to join with Him within us, and with what He has placed within us, and the state it has all come to be in within us, as all necessary to complete His intention within us, which is to reveal God within God within us, by first revealing True Man within True Man within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God and the Creation of True Man within us.  

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

In this way, to properly use both our wisdom and truth, which is our Shaikh within us, and God within Him, to make our life successful, to bring our life, and all of the lives within us, to the state the Qur'an was originally in when it emerged from Allah. 

Only then can we begin to understand how it originally came from Allah as a resplendence, a radiance, a resonance, and a grace, and how through our ignorance, and our arrogance about our ignorance, it came to the state that it is currently in within us, the state of the "inside" of us that we see in our ignorance as the "outside" of us, that we see as our life and the life of our brothers and sister, the state of us all living "outside" of us in a world of,

          ".... religious differences, divisions, and bigotry, which in turn gave rise to
          prejudice, fighting, and wars."

We must go beyond this current state of "us", of the "world", and of the "Qur'an", both within us and "outside" of us, and return it all to its original state both within us and "outside" of us. 

Only then will we be successful in our life, only then will our wisdom be victorious over our fate, only then will our wisdom reason over our fate. 

This is what we must do, my dearest loving sister Rumi, and we must do it now, before we die, or before we are too old and weak to do it, to join with our Shaikh within us, and with God within Him, to do this divine work within us, to reveal True Man within the Creation of God within us, and God within the Creation of True Man within us. 

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

For as Bawa teaches us, starting at the bottom of page 137 and continuing on page 138, in Chapter 12, "The Inner Qur'an", in the book, "Islam And World Peace:
Explanations of a Sufi",

----------------- Beginning of Quotation From His Holiness -----------------

"We, however, must delve into the depths of the Qur'an; we must experience each step of the way as it originally came from Allah. As we look deeper and deeper, we will see the Messenger of God, and once we see Him, we will know how Gabriel came to Him and how he received that grace.

We will see the light, and if we look through that light, we will experience the resonance of Allah within the Qur'an.  As we understand that resonance, we will understand our life and our death; we will understand the Day of Judgment, The Day of Questioning, and the ninety-nine attributes (wilayat) of Allah.

Once we have this understanding, we will see that all men are our brothers, just as the Qur'an teaches us.

To truly see all people as our brothers is Islam. If we see anyone who is in need, we must offer him the water of the mercy of all the universes, the water of absolute faith, and the affirmation of that faith, the Kalimah.

That water must be given to everyone who is hungry and thirsty.  We must embrace them lovingly, quench their thirst, and wash away their dirt. We must offer them love, compassion, patience, and tolerance, just as the Prophet did.

This is what will satisfy their needs and dispel the darkness in their hearts. My brothers and sisters in Islam, if we offer peace, then justice will flourish. Love will cut away all enmity. Compassion will cause God's grace to grow in this world, and then the food of faith and the mercy of all the universes can be offered. When that food is given, hunger, disease, old age, and death will be eliminated, and everyone will have peace.

Allah, and the state of a true human being, are right here within us. It is a great secret, hidden within our hearts, within the Umm al-Qur'an. Only if we can study this divine knowledge can we attain our freedom.

All who have faith must reflect upon this, understand it, and teach it to those who have less wisdom, to those who have no clarity of heart, to those whose minds oppose us, and to those who have no peace of mind.

We must teach them these qualities, give them this food, this beauty, and this nourishment of grace and absolute faith. Every human being in the community of Islam, everyone who has faith, all those who are learned and wise, all the leaders of prayer and the teachers, all those who know the Qur'an - all must understand this.

This is what I ask of you. Amen.
Allah is sufficient unto us all. "

----------------- End of Quotation From His Holiness -----------------

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

This completes page 1 of 3 of Spiritual Chat 24.  Please click HERE or below to go to page 2 of 3 of Spiritual Chat 24.  Thank You.

Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu.  May the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon all of us.  May God help us all.

Amen, Amen, Ya Rabil Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahman Alameen.  Amen, Amen, Ya Rahim Alameen.  Al-hamdu lillah.  Allahu Akbar.

My love you (anbu) -  Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)

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This page was last updated on: September 21, 2002